Our Custom Home Design Process

We work with our clients to set the best timeline for each project considering its location, scope and scale.

Property Selection

If you are searching for property we can help evaluate your options.


We learn about your goals.



  • Heliode’s Home Primer is a questionnaire that helps us set the best goals for your project . You communicate pragmatic and creative goals and their relative importance. You’ll answer at your own pace and we will review the doc together in one of our first meetings.

  • Your Property Survey will help us understand aspects of your property that we consider during design like topography, flora, utilities, and setbacks. A Site Analysis is prepared on complex projects so that this information is distilled into a few graphics that refine the intuition we’ll use during design.

Schematic Design

We consider loose design options.



  • “What if….” is the leading phrase. We create and evaluate a handful of options that answer the broad design questions of the project.

  • Loose drawings, lots of ideas that we can evaluate.

Design Development

We find the best option and refine it.

  • Loose drawings become sharper. We consider dimensions down to the inch and discuss materials and color in more detail.

  • Consultants begin work. Once the architectural direction of the project is clear, the team expands and consultants work in parallel with each other.



Construction Documents

We prepare the drawings used for construction.

  • Design is 90% Complete. Our focus becomes clarification & documentation more than design.

  • Final drawings are prepared . Each member of the proejct team coordinates and comples their drawings.

  • Required permits are applied for and issued.



  • Design changes are guided and coordinated. Whether required or voluntary, we coordinate changes to the design during construction with the project team.

  • Project team pursues project goals.

We continue to work with the project team to meet construction goals.

Construction Support